sir my question is i use table tool.js get error flash.setCharSet is not a function
sir my question is i use table tool.js get error flash.setCharSet is not a function
"bPaginate": false,
"bLengthChange": true,
"bFilter": false,
"bSort": true,
"bInfo": false,
"bAutoWidth": true,
"sDom": 'lfrtipT',
"oTableTools": {
"aButtons": [
"sExtends": "csv",
"fnClick": function (nButton, oConfig, flash) {
var s = '';
var a = TableTools.fnGetMasters();
for (var i = 0; iLen = a.length; i++) {
var id = tables[i].id;
id = id.substring(0, id.length - 8);
var d_table = $('#' + id).dataTable();
all_data = all_data + this.fnGetTableData(oConfig) + " ";
this.fnSetText(flash, all_data);
} );
TableTools is legacy software and no longer supported, as noted in its documentation.
Buttons is its replacement.
sir plz tell Is it possible to print/export multiple datatables at once. So that to have one Print button for all the tables on the page? Thanks!
all table print in one file from single button?
If you search the forum for your question you'll find that it has been asked before. You'll also find that what you are looking for is not a feature that is currently supported out of the box. You'd need to code that up if you needed it.
i know this question is already asked but she is use tabletool library?
Regardless of if you are using TableTools or Buttons, it is not a feature that is supported at this time. If you need it, you are very welcome to add it, and I'm sure others would appreciate if you share your results.