Read from dynamic JSON object
Read from dynamic JSON object

I need to read from a JSON object (not via ajax) and dynamically generate/update a table's content and headers. I've been searching and trying for hours now and can't find a solution. Any help would be highly appreciated.
Something like this to generate column headers from an array would be a start:
function generateStatsObject (selectedCropsAndYearsArray) { // eg: ["Barley-2016", "Barley-2017", "Potato-2016"]
panelTableData = $('#table_panels').DataTable({
columns: [
Later I'd like to change selectedCropsAndYearsArray to an object, such as [{title: "Barley-2016", value: "2234"}] and append key:value pairs. title should used column header and value as the actual data.
Here is an example I built previously to show how to dynamically get/build the table columns and data from an ajax request. Sounds like your situation is a bit different but I think this might help you get started.
Thank you!
But I get the error "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'style' of undefined"
array of objects:
My guess is that
contains more entries than there are columns in the table, although without a test case showing the issue it is impossible to say for sure.Allan