Editor on SQL Server problem when data posted by Japanese
Editor on SQL Server problem when data posted by Japanese

I tried Basic Initialisasion on my local machine using Editor .NET package.
I used 'SQL Server Express' as database, and my language is Japanese.
My problem is that I can create new record but I cannot edit record correctly.
For example, after I created 'ใในใ' record, it was converted to 'テスト
' when I edit.
Anyone can help me?
- OS: Windows10 Pro
- Framework: .NET Framework 4.5
- Database: SQL Server Express 12.0.2269
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That's odd. Are you able to have a look at what is stored in the database itself please? Is it the HTML encoded entities, or the original characters?
Thank you, Allan.
The HTML encoded data was stored in database. Not the original characters.
I've checked by SQL Server Management Studio.
Thanks for checking that. My guess is that the Microsoft AntiXSS library which Editor uses is encoding the characters to their HTML entities.
Could you try adding
.Xss( false )
to your fields - e.g.:Thanks,
Thank you very much, Allan.
Completely fixed.