Weird issue with colum filtering, server side processing
Weird issue with colum filtering, server side processing

I use, in many location, datatables with server-side processing for the data, and column filtering, with success. All works great : search, order, pagination....
My app is under a symfony project.
I just add a bundle in symfony (JmsRoutingBundle) and it makes datables crazy : When I do any interaction with a datatable, ajax call is triggered many times instead of one, and the search value is propagged to all columns -_-
I can a see a strange behavior here too, the first call, data is propaged on first column, second call, to two first columns, third call three first columns...
1st call :
2nd call :
3rd call :
I know it's not directly datatables cause it worked great before, but I have no idea where to look, do you have a clue ? The bundle only interact on back-end (add a locale prefix on all urls).
Anyone ?
Have you asked Symfony about it?
Based on past experience, I suspect you are attempting to bind a filter to an input element with a context that doesn't exist - e.g.
$('input', myElement)
might be a footer cell or similar), but in this casemyElement
is actually undefined. The result is that you get$('input', document)
since that's how jQuery works. Thus it would filter on all columns if you are using column filtering.So my suggestion is to check where you are binding for column filtering, and check that your input context actually exists.