Do I have the correct JSON format?

Do I have the correct JSON format?

DanJ210DanJ210 Posts: 23Questions: 5Answers: 0

I typed up a really good question and edited it a couple of times only to be told I need vanilla editing permissions and then my entire thing was deleted and I lost everything... ouch.

I'm trying to use DataTables with the reload feature and have updated data constantly in the table. I'm having such a hard time as the JSON format I'm using doesn't seem to be in the Manual of the documentation. I took a screenshot and was hoping someone could tell me if I have a format that works or not. I used the image URL button above but enter does nothing and there is no add button so I don't see how that works. Here is the URL:!AlnGeQSYLUVap-ZzR3KMzS0oL2x3eQ

I'm trying to use the code below to hook up that data to the DataTable but I'm having such a hard time figuring out how I would need to write that out with columns and rows as shown in the documentation.

var dataTable = $('#wTable').DataTable({ "ajax": "/Home/returnJson", "dataSrc": function (data) { (data) } });

Any help hooking up that data if possible would be forever appreciated. Thank you.


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