How to apply calculation on textbox values using jquery datatables?

How to apply calculation on textbox values using jquery datatables?

ahsannajamahsannajam Posts: 2Questions: 2Answers: 0

This program is working fine but I want to take all values of current-sales and closing-balance in input textbox so it can automatically calculate the result, I hope you understand.

Example: If i apply like this on all current-sales and closing-balance values so what should i change in code? Thanks
"current-sales": "<input type='text' value=40>",
"closing-balance": "<input type='text' value='37'>"

$(document).ready(function() {
  $.each(dataSet, function(i, it) {
    it.cbTotal = it.nsp * it['closing-balance'];
    it.csTotal = it.nsp * it['current-sales'];
  // Table definition
  var dtapi = $('#example').DataTable({
    data: dataSet,
    "deferRender": false,
    "footerCallback": function(tfoot, data, start, end, display) {
      var api = this.api();
      var q = api.column(2).data().reduce(function(a, b) {
        return a + b;
      }, 0);
      var p = api.column(3).data().reduce(function(a, b) {
        return a + b;
      }, 0);
    "order": [1],
    "columns": [
      // rest of the columns
        data: "product_name"
      }, {
        data: "nsp"
      }, {
        data: "current-sales"
      }, {
        data: "closing-balance"
var dataSet = [{
  "product_name": "Satou",
  "nsp": 230,
  "current-sales": 50,
  "closing-balance": 23
}, {
  "product_name": "panadol",
  "nsp": 191,
  "current-sales": 152,
  "closing-balance": 131
}, {
  "product_name": "disprine",
  "nsp": 191,
  "current-sales": 40,
  "closing-balance": 37
}, {
  "product_name": "panadol",
  "nsp": 120,
  "current-sales": 8,
  "closing-balance": 173
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