Pass current rowid and url to another page
Pass current rowid and url to another page

I use
"render": function ( data, type, row ) {
//return '<a href="update2u.php?u=' + row[1] +'">' + data + '</a>';
return '<a href="update2edit.php?u=' + row[2] +'">' + data + '</a>';
It works fine to pass rowid to the next page.
I would like to pass the current url ( a=<?php echo $_GET['a'];?>") also with this, when one click on the row to open the next page.
How do i incorporate in please?
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I got it working! If somebody else also struggle with this try
return '<a href="update2edit.php?u=' + row[2] +'&a=<?php echo $_GET['a'];?>">' + data + '</a>';