Make table on page load empty?
Make table on page load empty?

I have a datatable that I am returning from a mysql database. I would like the table to be empty at first page load then load based on my filter radio buttons. Can I do this? Not sure where to place the clear() tag, then the draw tag?
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Just set the default of your filter radio buttons to filter out everything. Then you won't see anything in the front-end. Once the user changes the radio buttons your filter should be less restrictive.
This is one way to use search.push:
And here is another one that allows you to get hold of individual rows:
On page load brings back everything in my query, should I have a default radio on the page load that clears everything? Or should I filter everything out on the actually table until a user choose something, sorry a little confused by your answer.
Demo code
I would recommend the latter. Leave your back end query unchanged and filter all records on the client side. Initially just filter out everything. The filtering I suggest is client side only. No changes on the back end!
Can you supply the syntax?
On the table or add a new radio button
where do I hide the table at first load? Driving me nuts everything I try it doesnt work?
$(document).ready(function() {
oTable = $('#example').dataTable({
"bJQueryUI": true,
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"iDisplayLength": 25,
"aLengthMenu": [[25, 50, 100], [25, 50, 100]],
} );
This looks like the old syntax. No experience with that.
You need to use an event to hide the table initially. I thought you only wanted an empty table. Then you wouldn’t have needed it.
I really want to hide the table on page load, maybe using DIV, then on click using my radio display the table.
here is an example from my own coding. I am using multiple tables on the same page and show and hide them dynamically based on events.
When I iniitalize the first table I hide all others
The above could be something for you.
Put it in a
which hasdisplay:none
, then use$('div.myContainer').css('display', 'block');
when you want to show it. You can dynamically add data to a table usingrows.add()