Change the data while changing table

Change the data while changing table

MyuruMyuru Posts: 2Questions: 2Answers: 0

Hi in my current projet i have a feature that allow the user to switch rows from one tab to another, so far it's working as intended.

What i want to do now is to check the .data() and do something depending on what's in the first column, but so far when i, i get a long string of the whole TH row and i can't see to be able to split it to get the first value.

I use this piece of code to swap lines from one tab to the next :

var addRow = rulesTable.row($row);
value =;

Anyone who could help me achieve this ?

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  • allanallan Posts: 62,301Questions: 1Answers: 10,216 Site admin
    Answer ✓ will give you the data object for the row. So if you are using arrays, you could access the first property using [0]. If you are using objects, you could use .myPropertyName.


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