editor.create() Button Not Showing

editor.create() Button Not Showing

waseemlywaseemly Posts: 7Questions: 3Answers: 1
edited December 2017 in Free community support


I am using DataTables and the Editor plugin on a semi-complex project . The thing I am stuck on at the moment is the following

Some of the values in the rows are dropdowns... I need to bind this when the "Create" Button is clicked. Normally these are pulled back via Ajax and and i am using the following code on the "render" method for that column


with op being an array in which I i store the dropdown values pulled back via ajax (there are several dropdown per row) , so this way I don't need to do an Ajax call for everyrow and can simply render the relevant dropdown

So if there is no data for the particular Datatable then the "render" method is never called and the code above never executed hence on the "Create" Popup the dropdown is empty.

My solution is this

 buttons: [
    { extend: "create", editor: editor, action: function ( e, dt, node, config ) {

The above code works but strangely the actual "Create" button which submits the popup is no longer visible , I am unsure what the command is to show it or render it again.

Thanks in advance

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