Server side processing unicode problem

Server side processing unicode problem

tienthanhakaytienthanhakay Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited December 2017 in Free community support

Hi all,
I am using datatables server side processing, My table has filter for each column.
User inputs keyword into filter text-box, the keyword will be sent to server then search by that keyword.
There is a problem when user input a unicode into filter.
For instance: user input "nhãn", datatables sends not only:
"n", "nh", "nha", "nhan"
when user types last character "s" to insert diacritical mark, datatables sends the following:
"nha", "nh", "nhãn", "nhã", "nhãn"
It makes the search result incorrect.
I tried to test with some other character, it has similar problem.
Could you help me, thanks you very much.


  • tienthanhakaytienthanhakay Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0
    edited December 2017

    I would like to update my question.

    For instance: user input "nhãn", datatables sends not only:
    "n", "nh", "nha", "nhan"
    when user types last character "s" to insert diacritical mark, datatables sends the following:
    "nha", "nh", "nhãn", "nhã", "nhãn"
    It makes the search result incorrect.

    The search result is incorrect because I forgot set "draw" parameter for output.
    But there is still a problem, why datatables send redundant keyword, It makes program more slow.

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