Appearing icon when table is empty

Appearing icon when table is empty

Jennilein1991Jennilein1991 Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 1

Hello :) ,
since i updated my FontAwesome version to 5.0.2 this icon occured when no data is available for the table This icon normally occurs when it can not be found. But i also not entered an icon for this text in any config file.
Has someone the same problem?

Thanks :)

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  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,609Questions: 26Answers: 5,008

    The language controls what is displayed. Can you post your Datatables init code so we can see the options?

    This example works with FA 5.0.2 and displays the FA exclamation-circle if no data is found but not if the table is empty:


  • Jennilein1991Jennilein1991 Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 1

    Thanks for the fast answer :)
    This is my language option:

     "language": {
               processing:     "Bearbeitung läuft...",
               search:         "Suche/Filter :",
               lengthMenu:     "<select class='form-control' style='width: 4em' name='anfragenmanagementEinträge' id='anfragenmanagementEinträge'>" +
                                "<option value='10'>10</option>" +
                                "<option value='25'>25</option>" +
                                "<option value='50'>50</option>" +
                                "<option value='-1'>Alle</option>" +
                                "</select> Einträge anzeigen",
               info:           "Einträge  _START_ bis _END_ von _TOTAL_ ",
               infoEmpty:      "Kein Eintrag vorhanden",
               infoFiltered:   "(Filter angewandt auf insgesamt _MAX_ Einträgen)",
               infoPostFix:    "",
               loadingRecords: "Es wird geladen...",
               zeroRecords:    "Keine Einträge gefunden",
               emptyTable:     "Keine Anfragen vorhanden",
               "paginate": {
                   first:      "Erste Seite",
                   previous:   "Vorherige Seite",
                   next:       "Nächste Seite",
                   last:       "Letzte Seite"
               "aria": {
                   sortAscending:  ": Aufsteigend sortieren",
                   sortDescending: ": Absteigend sortieren"
               "thousands":        "."

    With this options the icon occurs as follows:

  • Jennilein1991Jennilein1991 Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 1
    Answer ✓

    I found the solution :dizzy:
    In one css file I added content="" and FontAwesome could not recognize this icon so it showed this icon above.

    Thanks for the help :blush:

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