How to integrate DataTables with JsBarcode

How to integrate DataTables with JsBarcode

young lexyoung lex Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0

Hi, I have some products data in datatable which have generated barcode by jsbarcode. I'm using modal form to add new product. After modal hide, other data draw successfully, but not the barcode. The barcode requires page refresh to draw. How to draw the barcode without refreshing page?

Also I put export to excel and print button, but the barcodes are not loaded. How to make it appear when I export and print the table?

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  • allanallan Posts: 62,315Questions: 1Answers: 10,225 Site admin
    Answer ✓

    How to draw the barcode without refreshing page?

    Without a link to the page showing the issue, there really isn't any way we can offer any help without guessing since I don't know how you are even loading the data at the moment. Is the barcode a canvas element or an image or something else?

    Also I put export to excel and print button, but the barcodes are not loaded. How to make it appear when I export and print the table?

    The Excel export doesn't not include support for images at this time. For images in the print option you need to disable the HTML filtering which you can do in the print options.


  • young lexyoung lex Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0

    Well thanks allan,
    I'll try to find another way

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