Showing loading on using Ajax on data table

Showing loading on using Ajax on data table

utsavsohalutsavsohal Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0


I have created a data table to show the data in list using thymleaf template engine of java and jquery.
It works fine but when I want to to refresh the table on a event it shows me "loading..." on the table while all the
data is fetched from server.
Please help to resolve this.

Thanks in Advance

var table = $('#data-table').DataTable( {

     //reload part
         "url" : "/vedanta-web/scorecard/reloadScoreCardTableByMonthAndYear",
         "dataType": "JSON",
         "type" : "POST",
         "dataSrc": "Data",
         "success": function(data, textStatus) {
             alert("success and data: "+JSON.stringify(data));

        "order": [],
        "stateSave": true,
        "columnDefs": [{
            "targets"  : [-1,-2],
            "orderable": false,
            "targets"  : [0],
            "orderable": false,

        "columns": [
            {"data": "contractNumber"},
            { "data": "contractId"},
            { "data": ""},
            { "data": "categoryName"},
            { "data": "subCategoryName"},
            { "data": "yearId"},
            { "data": "template.frequency"},
            { "data": "submitted_by"},
            { "data": "submitted_on"},
            {"data": "status"},
            {"data": "contractNumber"}

    } );


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