How can I determine if a column is Searchable?

How can I determine if a column is Searchable?

alexcheveaualexcheveau Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 1

I'm using datatables.mark.js for highlighting the search in my datatables, but the plugin mark all columns including ones with searchable = false. I want to fix the plugin to mark only nodes inside columns with searchable = true.
Thanks in advance.

The code that mark the dt from the plugin:

            var globalSearch =;
                search: 'applied',
                page: 'current'
            }).nodes().each(function (nodes, colIndex) {
                var columnSearch = _this2.instance.column(colIndex).search(),
                    searchVal = columnSearch || globalSearch;
                if (searchVal) {
                    nodes.forEach(function (node) {
                            // compatibilizar com a opção 'smart = false' do dataTable.Search
                            { "separateWordSearch": false });

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  • alexcheveaualexcheveau Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 1
    Answer ✓

    Ok, i managed to fix it with this code:

                var _this2 = this;
                var globalSearch =;
                var _colIndex;
                    search: 'applied',
                    page: 'current'
                }).nodes().each(function (nodes, colIndex) {
                    var columnSearch = _this2.instance.column(colIndex).search(),
                        searchVal = columnSearch || globalSearch;
                    _colIndex = colIndex;
                    if (searchVal) {
                        nodes.forEach(function (node) {
                            if (_this2.instance.settings()[0].aoColumns[_colIndex].bSearchable) {
                                    { "separateWordSearch": false });
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