Iterate an API list and populate it in table
Iterate an API list and populate it in table
Muhammad Izzat
Posts: 22Questions: 10Answers: 0
Greeting, I'm having trouble populating datatable data that coming from a API in a form of a list, when I populate it in my table, all the data are populated in 1 single row, can anyone help me with this, thanks
below is my code :
"id": 9,
"project_name": "Project A",
"user": [
"Person A",
"Person B",
"Person C",
Javascript :
var artist_table = $('#artist-datatable').dataTable({
dom: 'Blrtip',
JQueryUI: true,
sScrollY: "350px",
responsive: false,
select: true,
ajax: {
url: "/api/scheduler/crew-list/" + project_id + "/?format=json",
dataSrc: ''
columns: [
{"data": "user", "class": "user_id"},
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Hi Muhammad,
The data that's being sent doesn't match what you've configured. For example, do you want to show a user per row, or a project per row with multiple users in that row?
We've created a live example here for you, which as you can see, is using local data rather than AJAX sourced. I would suggest poking about with that until you get what you want, then revert back to trying the AJAX data source.
Hope that helps,