Loading the language files makes DataTables to do not work normally
Loading the language files makes DataTables to do not work normally
If I have a DataTable in the page and I step over it with the debugger, as soon as it executes this line:
table = curr_element.DataTable(config);
you can see all the elements created and the table styled properly. However, If I add to the config object the following:
config.language = {
url: language_file
then in the call to curr_element.DataTable(config)
some styles are applied but not all, and not all the elements are created. For example, the #myId_length element is not yet created, so I can't do anything like adding the buttons where I want.
After a while, when the page completes loading, the default lenght, filter, and pagination elements are created and work fine, but they were not created when I needed to access them, just after DataTable creation
So it seems that you don't fully create the DataTable when loading to a language. Maybe you wait until the file is retrieved and finish the creation then.
When can I access the table elements safely when using a language.
Thank you
Just to reply myself, I've got it working using the initComplete event
Thanks for posting back.
is the correct way to handle this.Allan