Robust audit logging - Page 2

Robust audit logging



  • Loren MaxwellLoren Maxwell Posts: 425Questions: 101Answers: 10

    Thanks, @pisisler -- this does look promising!

    I won't have time to work on this today, but I'm curious if you've thought about how it could handle multiple rows?

  • pisislerpisisler Posts: 125Questions: 24Answers: 1

    I was just writing about that, @Loren Maxwell :smile: It would need a revise for multiple rows.

    But here is something very interesting; if you edit one row, it wouldn't trigger other fields' validators. If you edit multiple rows, then it does. There is an inconsistency which I am not sure the cause of.

    I mean consider this, you edit a row's "name" field only, it doesn't trigger the "age" field validator. But if you edit "name" field of multiple rows (still not touching the age field) now validators of age field is also triggered like it has changed.

    There might be something I am mishandling or a bug. I will look into it.

  • pisislerpisisler Posts: 125Questions: 24Answers: 1
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