Performance Issue with datatable 700 records

Performance Issue with datatable 700 records

cbtalecbtale Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

Hi ,

On production there are 700+ records and datatable is taking too much time to bind the data.

Here is the url :

On local it is giving the result instantly.

Please help it is very urgent.



  • allanallan Posts: 62,327Questions: 1Answers: 10,227 Site admin

    Chrome shows me that when I load the page it takes 2.3 seconds just to load the HTML for the page. That's an exceptionally long time - it is 1.4MB of data, but it should still be faster than that. The Ajax.js script then takes 1.5 seconds - so yes this is a fairly slow page.

    There are any number of possibilities for why it is running slowly - slow uplink network connection, under heavy load, slow remote db, and many others.

    On the DataTables front I would suggest that you Ajax load the data and enable deferRender - see this FAQ. That will at least make the page appear after since you won't be loading 1.4MB of HTML on initial load, but it won't solve the reason for the server being slow, whatever that is.


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