Can I hide dom/text elements from search?

Can I hide dom/text elements from search?

orenlxorenlx Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0


I'm not sure how can I bring an example for this issue, but its quite straightforward question:

I have datatables with search function. It contains column with tag elements (simple ul li list), and under this list there option to add another tags using select dropdown.

I want the table to enable search also through the tags column. But as far I understand, the datatable looks for ANY dom element that contains the queried text. So, in our case, the search picks also the <option>[TAG_NAME]</option>, that resides inside the <select> element inside the cell, and therefore resulting in matched row.

Is there any possible way to add some kind of data-attribute to my select element so the search function won't pick it up?

Thank you!


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