Customize Datatables?

Customize Datatables?

jasonmonroejasonmonroe Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited January 2018 in Free community support

Does anyone know how to customize DataTables? I have a table with one million rows which is obviously too big. The server side testing logic (on this site) works better but eventually that won't be enough and I have to style my tables on the back end (which I don't want to do) and it's not responsive.

How can I customize DataTables so that it only loads a max of 100 records limited by the selector and that it counts all million rows so it knows the pagination logic of what to display? When I type in the search box I want it to search all 1 million records. When I click on the pagination links it only fetches the next 100 max (if selector is on 10, 15 only show that).

I believe this will solve everything that DataTables is not giving me. Are these three things possible?


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