Cannot reinitialise DataTable
Cannot reinitialise DataTable
Not sure what I've done .,.. this was working fine. Then I moved all files to a new site(on the same server) and now get an error.
The "can't initialize" error alert shows "DataTables warning: table id=DataTables_Table_0" - so it is the first (and only) dataTable on the page. When the alert is dismissed, the dataTable functions fine - with all the parameters in place.
This occurs on all pages where I have a dataTable (so it's not limited to an error on one table).
All pages with a dataTable table are called in the same way, using the same js file.
Table initialization is called in the html for the table:
<table class='table table-bordered hover dataTable'>
```Error occurs ONLY if I put any parameters in the initialization. If there are no parameters, I don't get the error.
stateSave: true,
"order": [[0, "desc"]],
pagingType: "full_numbers",
lengthMenu: [[25, 50, 100, 200, 500, -1], [25, 50, 100, 200, 500, "All"]],
dom: 'liBftip',
buttons: [
extend: 'colvis',
postfixButtons: ['colvisRestore']
extend: 'csvHtml5',
fieldSeparator: '\t',
extension: '.csv'
$('table.dataTable').dataTable({ });
Example page with the error is here:
I was not able to get the debugger to run - there appears to be some conflict with the error alert. (It runs fine when the alert doesn't come up).
Any help would be appreciated.
Hi mgale,
The reason is because you're first initialising the DataTable in that large code block with several customisations. But, when you use
$('table.dataTable').dataTable({ });
, the{}
is saying initialise again, but this time with no customisations - this would be in conflict with the first.And as you said,
works because it isn't initialising, it's just using what's already been initialised already...Hope that makes sense.
Your fix would be to just use that second one.
I am not using all three - just tested to see what works. I need to initialize it with the customizations, but when I do, I get the error.
Odd thing is, that same code block has been working for a long time ... it's something else that changed, probably when I moved the files. But I can't tell what is causing the conflict.
script src='includes/js/dataTables/datatables.min.js'
script src='includes/js/dataTables/jquery.dataTables.min.js'
You don't need both of those.
Well, that seemed to solve it! Thanks.