Default Search Input is not filtering
Default Search Input is not filtering
I'm using the following one;
Included libraries:
** * JSZip 2.5.0, pdfmake 0.1.32, DataTables 1.10.16, Buttons 1.5.1, HTML5 export 1.5.1, Print view 1.5.1, Select 1.2.5**
I initialize a table like the below;
var $alertTalbe = $('#alertTalbe');
oTable = $alertTalbe.DataTable( {
draw: 1,
// bProcessing: true,
serverSide: true,
"ajax": {
'url': "/?m=look360_pano_alert&a=getAlerts",
'contentType': 'application/json',
type: 'post',
order: [[ 1, 'ASC' ]],
columns: [
{ data: "id" },
{ data: "place_name" },
{ data: "panotour_name" },
{ data: "panorama_name" },
{ data: "url" },
{ data: "duration" },
{ data: "from_date" },
{ data: "to_date" },
{ data: "content" },
'createdRow': function( row, data, dataIndex ) {
"pagingType": "full_numbers",
There's no special options for search.
It's not working, I think.
After hours research, DataTables offers default search function. and also provide search() API.
What I'd like to know that is...
Do I have to set an option or declare extra some functions to use default search input which is filtering the table??
Please let me know.