How to generate a child DataTable by making Ajax call with Hypertext Link (href)

How to generate a child DataTable by making Ajax call with Hypertext Link (href)

CuroDeveloperCuroDeveloper Posts: 8Questions: 2Answers: 0

I have successfully generated a jQuery DataTable using the data from the database for my ASP.NET application. Now, I would like to be able to generate a 2nd table with the details information by clicking on a hypertext link of a Product Key. I do not want to use a table within table "Child Row" method. In other words, I would like to select a row from the parent table and a child table is displayed with details information.

How do you make an ajax call?

<script type="text/javascript">
    //jQuery DataTable
    var dataSet = <%=JsonLoanProductsData %>

            keys: true,
            scrollY: 550,
            scrollCollapse: true,
            lengthMenu: [[50, 75, 100, -1], [50, 75, 100, "All"]],
            data: dataSet,
            columnDefs: [
                { "width": "15%", "targets": [0] },
                { "width": "20%", "targets": [2,3] }

            columns: [
                    "className": 'dt-center',
                   "data": "LoanProductKey"  
                { "data": "ProductName" },
                { "data": "ProductTypeEnum" },
                { "data": "LoanTypeEnum" },
                    "className": 'dt-center',
                    "data": "ProductType",
                    "visible": false
                    "className": 'dt-center',
                    "data": "LoanType",
                    "visible": false



  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,609Questions: 26Answers: 5,008

    Sounds like you want the functionality discussed in this blog:


  • CuroDeveloperCuroDeveloper Posts: 8Questions: 2Answers: 0


    Thank you for replying. I believe your example is very close to what I want. In my application, after you select a row in the parent table, I make an Ajax call to a web method with the row Product Key. The web method returns a set of data based on the selected key. The retrieved data then will be used to populate the child table.

    My issue is that I don't know how to handle the retrieved data and the syntax to treat it as the child's table data source. In other words, how do I populate the child table with the retrieved data?

  • CuroDeveloperCuroDeveloper Posts: 8Questions: 2Answers: 0

    I am close to having it working but I cannot get around the "Uncaught TypeError: $(...).dataTable is not a function on line 115 of the script below (var configHTML = $(htmlDataTable).dataTable)

       <script type="text/javascript">
                keys: true,
                scrollY: 550,
                scrollCollapse: true,
                lengthMenu: [[50, 75, 100, -1], [50, 75, 100, "All"]],
                data: <%=JsonLoanProductsData %>,
                columnDefs: [
                    { "width": "15%", "targets": [0] },
                    { "width": "20%", "targets": [2, 3] }
                columns: [
                        "className": 'details-control',
                        "orderable": false,
                        "visible": true,
                        "data": null,
                        "defaultContent": '',
                        "render": function () {
                            return '<i class="fa fa-plus-square" aria-hidden="true"></i>';
                        "className": 'dt-center',
                        "data": "LoanProductKey"
                    { "data": "ProductName" },
                    { "data": "ProductTypeEnum" },
                    { "data": "LoanTypeEnum" },
                        "className": 'dt-center',
                        "data": "ProductType",
                        "visible": true
                        "className": 'dt-center',
                        "data": "LoanType",
                        "visible": true
            //declare #dtLoanProductsByLocation DataTable as dtLoanProducts
            var dtLoanProducts = $('#dtLoanProductsByLocation');
            var dtLoanConfig = $('#dtLoanProductConfig');
            //$(document).ready(function () {
            $('#dtLoanProductsByLocation tbody').on('click', 'td.details-control', function () {
                var tr = $(this).closest('tr');
                var tdi = tr.find("i.fa");
                var row = dtLoanProducts.DataTable().row(tr);
                //toggle row selection highlight
                if (tr.hasClass('active')) {
                else {
                //Expand and Collapse
                if (row.child.isShown()) {
                    // This row is already open - close it
                else {
                    //use this if not using the expand and collapse technique to capture row data
                    //var selectedRowData = dtLoanProducts.DataTable().row(this).data();
                    //capturing the selected row data
                    var selectedRowData =;
                    var productEnvironment = '<%= SelectedEnvironment %>';
                        var productLocation = <%= SelectedLocation %>;
                        var productKey = selectedRowData.LoanProductKey;
                        //setup parameters for server side web method
                        var params = JSON.stringify({ selectedEnvironment: productEnvironment, selectedLocation: productLocation, loanProductKey: productKey });
                        var pageUrl = '<%= ResolveUrl("LoanProductConfig.aspx/GetLoanProductConfig") %>';
                        var htmlDataTable = '';
                            type: 'POST',
                            url: pageUrl,
                            data: params,
                            contentType: 'application/json',
                            dataType: 'json',
                            success: function (result) {
                                var configData = jQuery.parseJSON(result.d);
                                htmlDataTable = '' +
                                    '  <table id="dtLoanProductConfig">' +
                                    '       <thead>' +
                                    '           <tr>' +
                                    '               <th>Config Name</th>' +
                                    '               <th>Config Value</th>' +
                                    '           </tr> ' +
                                    '       </thead> ' +
                                    '   </table> ';
                             var configHTML = $(htmlDataTable).dataTable({
                                   "data": configData,
                                    "paging": false,
                                    "ordering": true,
                                    "info": true,
                                    "columns": [
                                        { "data": "0" },
                                        { "data": "1" }
                                    "order": [[0, "asc"]]
                                //display loan product configuration
                            } //success
                        }); //ajax
                    } // end if row.child
            }); //tbody
            //}); //document ready
             * Function: formatHTML
            function formatHTML(d) {
                var x = '';
                x += ' <div id="divLoanProductConfig" class="div-center-padding"> ';
                x += d
                x += ' </div>';
                return x;
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