Dynamically detect which column contains long text then do ellipsis on that column.
Dynamically detect which column contains long text then do ellipsis on that column.
So far I'm able to find the long text column by matching column names like :
if(column_name == 'description'){
targets: id,
render: $.fn.dataTable.render.ellipsis(20)
But most of time the table is generated dynamically. Columns are defined by previous selections.
I'm thinking a way to say:
$.each( data that is returned from ajax call, function(id, value){
if( value.length > 200 characters ){
targets: id,
render: $.fn.dataTable.render.ellipsis(20)
But often time there are thousands of data being returned and looping one by one just for testing the length is not so efficient.
Is there a existed Option or plug-in to auto detect the length of data then do ellipsis for that column?
The best I can offer is that you modify the ellipsis plug-in so that you can give it a cut point (the 20) and also a cut off point (the 200 in this case) - so that the plug-in itself can use that conditional logic to decide when to activate or not.
Sounds like a useful extension to its current abilities!
Yes that's the same solution I realized as well. Thanks for your answer!