Images Side By Side - return json/php server-side

Images Side By Side - return json/php server-side

tottastottas Posts: 2Questions: 2Answers: 0

Hello people.
I'm starting to work with dataTable.

Actually i have one input for search, the search send a post form in my archive request.php.
In response of request.php, I get the html/json the structure below:

<td><img src="/img/1.jpg"></td>
<td><img src="/img/2.jpg"></td>
<td><img src="/img/3.jpg"></td>
<td><img src="/img/4.jpg"></td>
<td><img src="/img/5.jpg"></td>
<td><img src="/img/6.jpg"></td>
<td><img src="/img/7.jpg"></td>
<td><img src="/img/8.jpg"></td>

After response, I just append:


Imagine that result return 80 images and I need show the pagination of imagens side by side (12 images / 3 rows / 4 columns)

How to do this ?

Anyone can help-me, please ?
Thank you so much!


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