multiple click events on datatable
multiple click events on datatable
I am loading a datatable using editor. The results are filtered by drop downs. I have found that each time a load the table the click event fires an addition time. That is the event is firing on the previous data table.
This causes an error if a previously loaded table has zero rows.
The simplest fix would be to force the event to use the "current/last" table loaded. I would prefer to destroy/invalidate the previous table on a reload. I tried using invalidate rows but it is not working. I may have it in the wrong place in the code. My click event and datatable code is below
$('#editDetails tbody').on('click', 'td' ,'tr' , function () {
console.log("Single click");
//error here if previous table has zero rows
var rowData = table.row(this).data();
console.log("row data");
// datatable
var table = $('#editDetails').DataTable({
destroy: true,
dom: "Bfrtip",
// tony add
language: {
emptyTable: "There are no forecasts matching the selected parameters.",
zeroRecords: "There were no matching forecasts found."
searching: true, // <-- this should be set to true
ordering: true, // <-- this should be set to true
paging: true, // <-- this should be set to true
pageLength: 25,
//"fixedHeader": true,
//scroll not compatible with fixed header
scrollX: true,
bScrollInfinite: true,
bScrollCollapse: true,
scrollY: 550,
deferRender: true,
scroller: true,
// end tony add
ajax: {
url: apiurl,
dataSrc: ''
// setting keys true here breaks keys in the bubble
//keys: true,
//scrollY: "500px",
//scrollCollapse: true,
//paging: true,
columns: [
{ data: "ForecastEntryID"},
{ data: "SalesPersonName" },
{ data: "ParentCompany" },
{ data: "SoldTo_CustomerName" },
{ data: "SoldTo_City" },
{ data: "EndUser_CustomerName" },
{ data: "ShipToCountryName" },
{ data: "ShipTo_CustomerName" },
{ data: "FrequencyType" },
{ data: "Corp3InternalGrade" },
{ data: "ProductBrand" },
{ data: "HarmonizedGrade" },
{ data: "BasisWeightValue" },
{ data: "BasisWeightUOM" },
// Display Roto as Yes/No rather than true/false
// mRender: function (data, type, row) {
// return row.Roto ? "Yes" : "No"
// }
{ data: "Roto" },
{ data: "PlantPart2Name" },
{ data: "STorMT" },
{ data: "Year" },
{ data: "January" },
{ data: "February" },
{ data: "March" },
{ data: "April" },
{ data: "May" },
{ data: "June" },
{ data: "July" },
{ data: "August" },
{ data: "September" },
{ data: "October" },
{ data: "November" },
{ data: "December" },
mRender: function (data, type, row) {
return parseInt(row.January) + parseInt(row.February) + parseInt(row.March) +
parseInt(row.April) + parseInt(row.May) + parseInt(row.June) +
parseInt(row.July) + parseInt(row.August) + parseInt(row.September) +
parseInt(row.October) + parseInt(row.November) + parseInt(row.December);
//Months sum
//mRender: function (data, type, row) {
// return Math.round(row.January + row.February + row.March + row.April + row.May + row.June + row.July + row.August + row.September + row.October + row.November + row.December);
select: true,
buttons: [
{ extend: "edit", editor: localEditor }
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I was able to solve the multiple click event. It took some more searching
$('#editDetails tbody').off('click').on('click', 'td' ,'tr' , function () {
Yup - it looks like you are calling the jQuery.on method every time you did a filter. That would indeed result in creating multiple event handlers. Using is one way to handle that.