Possibility to save 2 different values in Database with 1 checkbox

Possibility to save 2 different values in Database with 1 checkbox

karasukarasu Posts: 27Questions: 2Answers: 0

Hi there,
Has one of you already experience with the following situation?

I would like to save a value with a checkbox in two different DB tables, e.g.
1. DB table bookings -> value status = "new" or "canceled"
2. DB table rooms -> value storno = 0 or 1

I can save in table rooms the value storno = 0 or 1 with the following code but
how can I additionally store the value status = "new" or "canceled" in the bookings table?


var editor; // use a global for the submit and return data rendering in the examples
(function($) {
    $(document).ready(function() {
        editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor({
            ajax: '/php/table.bookings_test.php',
            table: '#bookings_test',
            fields: [
                label:     "Storno:",
                name:      "rooms.ca_storno",
                type:      "checkbox",
                separator: "|",
                options:   [
                    { label: '', value: 1 }
        var table = $('#bookings_test').DataTable({
            ajax: '/php/table.bookings_test.php',
            Processing: true,
            ServerSide: true,
            "lengthMenu": [[10, 20, 50, -1], [10, 20, 50, "alle"]],
            "pageLength": 20,
            columns: [
                    data:   "rooms.ca_storno",
                    render: function ( data, type, row ) {
                        if ( type === 'display' ) {
                            return '<input type="checkbox" class="storno">';
                        return data;
                    className: "dt-body-center"
            rowCallback: function ( row, data ) {
                // Set the checked state of the checkbox in the table
                $('input.storno', row).prop( 'checked', data.rooms.ca_storno == 1 );
            responsive: true,
            columnDefs: [
                { type: 'date-eu', targets: 0 },
                { type: 'date-eu', targets: 10 }
        $('#bookings_test').on( 'change', 'input.storno', function () {
                .edit( $(this).closest('tr'), false )
                .set( 'rooms.ca_storno', $(this).prop( 'checked' ) ? 1 : 0 )
        } );


// DataTables PHP library and database connection
include( "lib/DataTables.php" );

// Alias Editor classes so they are easy to use

Editor::inst( $db, 'rooms', 'uid' )
        Field::inst( 'rooms.ca_storno' )
            ->setFormatter( function ( $val, $data, $opts ) {
                return ! $val ? 0 : 1;
            } )



  • allanallan Posts: 64,008Questions: 1Answers: 10,554 Site admin

    I would use an event handler in the server-side code for this. Basically you want to have the checkbox submit just a single value, but have your event handler check that value, and if the conditional logic you need applies, then set the value of its partner field. See specifically the "Modifying Fields" section of that documentation page.


  • karasukarasu Posts: 27Questions: 2Answers: 0

    Dear Allan,

    my problem is that I would like to update a value in 2nd table after I update the value in the 1st table. e.g.
    1. DB table rooms -> value storno = 0 or 1
    2. DB table bookings -> value status = "new" or "canceled"

    Have you an example code for me, where I can get a solution for my issue ?


  • karasukarasu Posts: 27Questions: 2Answers: 0

    Dear Allan,
    Have you an example code for me, where I can get a solution for my issue ?

  • rf1234rf1234 Posts: 3,048Questions: 88Answers: 424
    edited December 2018

    Hi, you can use a server event for this. In this case I would use postEdit:

    Your code could look something like this. You can also use the Editor db handler like in the example below.

    ->on( 'postEdit', function ( $editor, $id, $values, $row ) {
        //you can use your field ca_storno like this:
            ->bind( ':fk',        $id        )
            ->bind( ':status',    $row["rooms"]["ca_storno"] )
            ->exec( 'UPDATE bookings   
                        SET status = :status   
                      WHERE fk = :fk' );
    } )

    Link to raw() documentation:
    Click on '#' in the upper right corner of the descriptions and you'll see a code example for using the method as well.

  • karasukarasu Posts: 27Questions: 2Answers: 0

    Thank you for your feedback. I will try this and let you know.

  • karasukarasu Posts: 27Questions: 2Answers: 0

    Hi rf1234,
    your suggestion was exactly what I need. It works perfect.
    Thank you very much. :)

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