Error in datatable inline editing

Error in datatable inline editing

osamajavedosamajaved Posts: 12Questions: 6Answers: 0

Hi I am facing 2 issue while implementing datatables inline-editing
1. Uncaught ReferenceError: define is not defined
The error is in dataTables.editor.min.js

  1. $.fn.dataTable.Editor is not a constructor
    The error is where we initialize editor
    editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor({
    "url": url,
    "type": "POST",
    "dataType": "JSON",
    "data": { model: data }
    table: "#MassUpdateReport",
    fields: [{
    label: "First name:",
    name: "first_name"
    }, {
    label: "Last name:",
    name: "last_name"
    }, {
    label: "Position:",
    name: "position"
    }, {
    label: "Office:",
    name: "office"
    }, {
    label: "Extension:",
    name: "extn"
    }, {
    label: "Start date:",
    name: "start_date",
    type: "datetime"
    }, {
    label: "Salary:",
    name: "salary"
    I am using following version of jquery:
    jQuery JavaScript Library v2.2.0


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