problem with datatable and Individual column searching (select inputs)

problem with datatable and Individual column searching (select inputs)

stefanymedinastefanymedina Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

I have a problem with data-table and an component that I use with joomla because when I apply the referec that provide the source the code not working

this is the function , I would like aply this but I don´t have idea why don´t working , somebody can helpme please.
public static function render($nombre_div, $id, $componente, $categoria, $iscategoria = true, $autocarga = false, $area= false){

    $params[] = '&id='.$id.'&component='.$componente;

    if($iscategoria === true){
        $params[] = '&categoria='.$categoria;

    $params = implode($params);



            var pathname    =;
            var table = jQuery("#'.$nombre_div.'").DataTable();';

    if($autocarga === true){
        $html[]='jQuery("#tabs1 li").on("click", "a[name=\'#tab5\']", function(){';


                table = jQuery("#'.$nombre_div.'").DataTable({      
                    "processing": true,
                    "serverSide": true,                 
                      responsive: true,        


                    "language": { 
                        "lengthMenu"    : "Mostrando _MENU_ Procesos ",                         
                        "info"          : "Mostrando _START_ de _END_ of _TOTAL_ Archivos",
                        "paginate"      : {
                            "first"     : "Primero",
                            "last"      : "Ultimo",
                            "next"      : "Siguiente",
                            "previous"  : "Anterior"

                        "search"        : "Buscar:", 
                        "loadingRecords": "Cargando...",
                        "processing"    : "Procesando...",
                        "infoEmpty"     : "Mostrando 0 a 0 de 0 Archivos",
                        "infoFiltered"  : "(Filtrados _MAX_ del total de archivos)",




    if($autocarga === true){
    $html[]='jQuery("#'.$nombre_div.' tbody").on("click", function(event){          




    return implode($html);

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