Is it possible to export data other then the data in datatables

Is it possible to export data other then the data in datatables

DavidWanDavidWan Posts: 16Questions: 3Answers: 1

i just wanted to do a simple task like selective export and it works properly, but as far as export all is concerned it takes only the data present at the client side. what i actually want is to export whole data using html5 excel export button can we achieve this(remember ii have done server side processing).


  • DavidWanDavidWan Posts: 16Questions: 3Answers: 1

    sorry i am asking lot of questions but i just started using datatables

  • tangerinetangerine Posts: 3,365Questions: 39Answers: 395

    A simple forum search for "export all" finds plenty of information.

  • DavidWanDavidWan Posts: 16Questions: 3Answers: 1

    @tangerine we can not Export all with server side pagination

  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,682Questions: 26Answers: 5,019

    See the last FAQ in the Server Side Processing section:


  • DavidWanDavidWan Posts: 16Questions: 3Answers: 1


    1. Use a server-side process to create the files to download (recommended)
    2. Disable server-side processing.

    3. I don't get it what files to create.

    4. if i disable the server side processing then huge amount of data is coming at client side and takes ages to get populated in the data table.
      i have instead of all this found a solution to export all without using data table export to excel button...
      what i am really concerned about is selective export if
      server side = true
      i can then only select the items present to the client ..but problem is it can not track the row or record selected at page 1.... because i need to export both rows from page 1 and page 2 ofcourse which are selected..


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