Editor Generator Ajax Error (7) + Debug Info
Editor Generator Ajax Error (7) + Debug Info
I used the editor and downloaded the files (copying from the guide) but the todo.html file doesn't work, datatables.min.js (1.1kb).
Dev console shows error 500 (php/table.todo.php?_=1522041622277) but error_log isn't catching (it's on) just shows:
[Mon Mar 26 04:20:03.969166 2018] [:error] [pid 77671:tid 140077942437632] [client X] SoftException in Application.cpp:261: File "/home/myspace/public_html/form/php/table.reports.php" is writeable by group.
I've setup /php/lib/config.php but "table.todo.php" isn't creating the table so something MySQL is wrong?
I've used DataTables trace debugger tool but not sure if i can share results here?
I tried http://live.datatables.net but same error + "Loading..."
My guess is that it is a configuration error in the SQL database connection, but unfortunately it is impossible to say for sure as the server is just returning a 500 generic error message rather than saying something specific about the error (it could really be anything!).
Does your domain have a global error log or a domain specific one perhaps? Certainly, to be able to understand what is going wrong we'd need to know error information from the error.
Is there a way to test the database connection? Like a test file like simple output "connection successful" or failed?
I don't have root error_log but I followed how to enable php error log but that results in blank and doesn't write anything to the file.
I used all the files downloaded from the editor including SQL.
Add an
echo '123';
just after yourDataTables.php
include. If the 123 is in the output, then it connects. If you still get an empty response then it does connect.Allan
I added the echo to the php/lib/DataTables.php file #34 and doesn't seem to output it anywhere.
I know you don't offer it for free support, but if anyone else wants to have a look via cPanel/FTP let me know. MySQL seems to be right (+localhost & 3306 - wordpress working fine).
Someone said it could be file permissions in cPanel File Manager but they seem correct as previous forum discussions
Problem solved!
Error 500 It seems it didn't like cPanel putting a $ in my password just noticed (after a red bull) it's a blue-colour like $sql_details was and then changed password from
to ____________ and working fine!Thanks, Allan!
AHH! If it was in a PHP double quoted string (
) then it would need to be changed to be single quotes ('
) to have PHP not try to expand a variable (denoted by the $).Fantastic to hear you've got it sorted out!