fixedHeader.adjust not respecting footer td widths
fixedHeader.adjust not respecting footer td widths
If the footer's td HTML is wider than the header the columns get out alignment.
Via "fnDrawCallback" I call a function that writes HTML to some of the individual td's in the foot area of the datatable. After which I call *.columns.adjust(); and *.fixedHeader.adjust();
Current workaround is writing the same HTML to a div inside the footer and header, calling *.columns.adjust(); and *.fixedHeader.adjust(); then wiping the HTML from the header div, then again calling *.columns.adjust(); and *.fixedHeader.adjust();
After sanitizing my data to make it work inside a code pen... it works as is it should
So I have no idea why it fails when its on my site with full server side ajax calls and the rest of things going on.