Dynamically binded dropdownlist not binding is second page

Dynamically binded dropdownlist not binding is second page

rakeshpakkamrakeshpakkam Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited April 2018 in Free community support

Hi ,
Each row in my datatable i have binded dropdown. In first page of my data table its showing. In second page onwards its not binding at all.
Please help me

 var nactions = ' <table id="datatablenactions " class="table sort_random_img">'
    nactions += ' <thead><tr>'
    nactions += '<th class="no_sorts" tabindex="0" aria-controls="datatable" rowspan="1" colspan="1" aria-sort="ascending" aria-label="RegId: activate to sort column descending" style="width: 37px;"></th>'
    nactions += '<th>Subject</th>'
    nactions += '<th>Date</th>'
    nactions += '<th>Time</th>'
    nactions += '<th>Location</th>'
    nactions += '<th>Priority</th>'
    nactions += '<th>status</th>'
    nactions += '</tr>'
    nactions += '</thead>'
    nactions += '<tbody id="ntactions">'
    for (var iCount = 0; iCount < resTblDet.nextaction.length; iCount++) {
        nactions += '<tr >'
        nactions += '<td><a >Edit</td>'
        nactions += '<td id="nasub"><a>' + resTblDet.nextaction[iCount].subject + '</a></td>'
        nactions += '<td id="nadate">' + resTblDet.nextaction[iCount].nextactiondate + '</td>'
        nactions += '<td id="natime">' + resTblDet.nextaction[iCount].nextactiontime + '</td>'
        nactions += '<td id="naloc">' + resTblDet.nextaction[iCount].location + '</td>'
        nactions += '<td id="napriority">' + resTblDet.nextaction[iCount].priority + '</td>'
        nactions += '<td ><select id="statuslist' + iCount + '">' + resTblDet.nextaction[iCount].status + '</select></td>'
        nactions += '</tr>';
        Bindstatus(resTblDet.nextaction[iCount].status, 2, iCount);

    nactions += '</tbody>'
    nactions += '</table>';
    $('#divnnttactions').html(nactions );


    $('#datatablenactions -keytable').DataTable({
        keys: true

    $('#datatablenactions -responsive').DataTable();
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