Showing 1 to NaN of NaN entrie
Showing 1 to NaN of NaN entrie
Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0
$(document).ready(function () {
var table = $('#table').dataTable({
order: [[0, "desc"]],
pageLength: 50,
bLengthChange: false,
bFilter: false,
bJQueryUI: true,
processing: true,
bInfo: true,
infoFiltered: "30",
bServerSide: true,
aoColumnDefs: [
{ aTargets: [0], sClass: "text-center", bSortable: true, visible: true, sWidth: '15%' }, // ลำดับ
{ aTargets: [1], sClass: "text-right", bSortable: false, visible: true, sWidth: '20%' },
{ aTargets: [2], sClass: "text-right", bSortable: false, visible: true, sWidth: '20%' },
{ aTargets: [3], sClass: "text-right", bSortable: false, visible: true, sWidth: '5%' },
{ aTargets: [4], sClass: "text-right", bSortable: false, visible: true, sWidth: '5%' },
{ aTargets: [5], sClass: "text-right", bSortable: false, visible: true, sWidth: '5%' },
{ aTargets: [6], sClass: "text-right", bSortable: false, visible: true, sWidth: '5%' },
{ aTargets: [7], sClass: "text-right", bSortable: false, visible: true, sWidth: '5%' },
//{ aTargets: [8], sClass: "text-right", bSortable: false, visible: true, sWidth: '5%' },
ajax: {
url: '@Url.Action("GetLeave", "LeaveAPI",new { IsAdmin=ViewBag.IsAdmin })',
data: function (d) {
return $.extend({}, d, {}/*filterOptions*/);
type: "post",
dataSrc: function (json) {
This discussion has been closed.
Can you provide the Ajax response too, please. The problem is that this likely in an incompatible format. See the examples here for expected format.