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This Is Regarding Your Website

haiderTyagihaiderTyagi Posts: 11Questions: 2Answers: 0

Hi aln
when i got to link
click edit row and update it ,sucess :D :D :D
now if i again click edit row or delete row it show the model pop in bottom left corner with some low opacity and z-index
Check it ,and when you got this message and find the issue, please acknowledge me.

Have a good day. :) :) :) :)


  • colincolin Posts: 15,237Questions: 1Answers: 2,598

    Hi @haiderTyagi ,

    Yep, I can see that too - good spot. We'll get it fixed.



  • allanallan Posts: 63,075Questions: 1Answers: 10,384 Site admin
    edited April 2018

    Thanks for letting us know about this. I've committed the fix and will deploy it to the site shortly. If you want to use an updated Semantic UI integration, replace the contents of editor.semanticui.js with this:

    /*! Semantic UI integration for DataTables' Editor
     * ©2018 SpryMedia Ltd -
    (function( factory ){
        if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
            // AMD
            define( ['jquery', '', ''], function ( $ ) {
                return factory( $, window, document );
            } );
        else if ( typeof exports === 'object' ) {
            // CommonJS
            module.exports = function (root, $) {
                if ( ! root ) {
                    root = window;
                if ( ! $ || ! $.fn.dataTable ) {
                    $ = require('')(root, $).$;
                if ( ! $.fn.dataTable.Editor ) {
                    require('')(root, $);
                return factory( $, root, root.document );
        else {
            // Browser
            factory( jQuery, window, document );
    }(function( $, window, document, undefined ) {
    'use strict';
    var DataTable = $.fn.dataTable;
     * Set the default display controller to be Semantic UI modal
    DataTable.Editor.defaults.display = "semanticui";
     * Change the default classes from Editor to be classes for Bootstrap
    $.extend( true, $.fn.dataTable.Editor.classes, {
        "header": {
            "wrapper": "DTE_Header header"
        "body": {
            "wrapper": "DTE_Body content"
        "footer": {
            "wrapper": "DTE_Footer actions"
        "form": {
            "tag": "ui form",
            "button": "ui button",
            "content": 'DTE_Form_Content'
        "field": {
            "wrapper": "DTE_Field inline fields",
            "label":   "right aligned five wide field",
            "input":   "eight wide field DTE_Field_Input",
            "error":   "error has-error",
            "msg-labelInfo": "ui small",
            "msg-info":      "ui small",
            "msg-message":   "ui message small",
            "msg-error":     "ui error message small",
            "multiValue":    "ui message multi-value",
            "multiInfo":     "small",
            "multiRestore":  "ui message multi-restore"
        inline: {
            wrapper: "DTE DTE_Inline ui form"
        bubble: {
            table: "DTE_Bubble_Table ui form",
            bg: "ui dimmer modals page transition visible active"
    } );
    $.extend( true, DataTable.ext.buttons, {
        create: {
            formButtons: {
                className: 'primary'
        edit: {
            formButtons: {
                className: 'primary'
        remove: {
            formButtons: {
                className: 'negative'
    } );
     * Bootstrap display controller - this is effectively a proxy to the Bootstrap
     * modal control.
    var self;
    DataTable.Editor.display.semanticui = $.extend( true, {}, DataTable.Editor.models.displayController, {
         * API methods
        "init": function ( dte ) {
            // init can be called multiple times (one for each Editor instance), but
            // we only support a single construct here (shared between all Editor
            // instances)
            if ( ! self._dom.modal ) {
                self._dom.modal = $('<div class="ui modal"></div>');
                self._dom.close = $('<i class="close icon"/>')
                    .click( function (e) {
                        return false;
                    } );
                $(document).on('click', 'div.ui.dimmer.modals', function (e) {
                    if ( $('modal') && self._shown ) {
                } );
            return self;
        "open": function ( dte, append, callback ) {
            if ( self._shown ) {
                if ( callback ) {
            self._dte = dte;
            self._shown = true;
            var modal = self._dom.modal;
            var appendChildren = $(append).children();
            // Clean up any existing elements and then insert the elements to
            // display. In Semantic UI we need to have the header, content and
            // actions at the top level of the modal rather than as children of a
            // wrapper.
                .append( appendChildren )
                .prepend( modal.children('.header') ) // order is important
                .addClass( append.className )
                .prepend( self._dom.close );
                .modal( 'setting', {
                    dimmerSettings: {
                        closable: false
                    onVisible: function () {
                        // Can only give elements focus when shown
                        if ( self._dte.s.setFocus ) {
                        if ( callback ) {
                    onHidden: function () {
                        $(append).append( appendChildren );
                        self._shown = false;
                } )
                .modal( 'show' );
        "close": function ( dte, callback ) {
            var modal = self._dom.modal;
            if ( !self._shown ) {
                if ( callback ) {
            self._dte = dte;
            self._shown = false;
            if ( callback ) {
        node: function ( dte ) {
            return self._dom.modal[0];
         * Private properties
         "_shown": false,
        "_dte": null,
        "_dom": {}
    } );
    self = DataTable.Editor.display.semanticui;
    return DataTable.Editor;


  • THEJASVITHEJASVI Posts: 31Questions: 9Answers: 0
    edited May 2018

    how to use bootstrap button for create and cancel buttons in adding new row in datatable

  • allanallan Posts: 63,075Questions: 1Answers: 10,384 Site admin

    @THEJASVI - For new questions and you open a new discussion, with a link to the page showing the issue you are having please.

    This example shows Editor being used with Bootstrap.


This discussion has been closed.