Does TableTools extend aoColumnDefs?

Does TableTools extend aoColumnDefs?

polskikrolpolskikrol Posts: 10Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited May 2011 in TableTools
There is certain data I do not want exported to PDF and/or Excel. Did not see any documentation if aoColumnDefs is extended to allow for setting bVisible and aTargets for what is exported by TableTools.

Is this functionality provided by any means?


  • allanallan Posts: 63,248Questions: 1Answers: 10,419 Site admin
    It does not use aoColumnDefs, but it is possible to say which columns you want included in the export using mColumns:

  • polskikrolpolskikrol Posts: 10Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Interesting, have a few questions:
    (1) Any reason why this option does not exist for non-flash buttons such as 'print'?
    (2) Any way to exclude certain columns, such as with a '-', ie '-0' would exclude the first column? I use the instantiation in an object constructor that is generic and while the first few rows are static (and I know what data I want to exclude) the other ones are dynamic and of arbitrary length. I noticed someone else requested this in thread
  • allanallan Posts: 63,248Questions: 1Answers: 10,419 Site admin
    1. Yes - It's not implemented yet - sorry. It's on my to-do list... :-)

    2. It's a nice idea, and quite like the column definitions - but at the moment, I'm afraid that this feature is also unimplemented, and likewise on the to-do list (as a result of the thread you linked to).

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