There is certain data I do not want exported to PDF and/or Excel. Did not see any documentation if aoColumnDefs is extended to allow for setting bVisible and aTargets for what is exported by TableTools.
It does not use aoColumnDefs, but it is possible to say which columns you want included in the export using mColumns:
Interesting, have a few questions:
(1) Any reason why this option does not exist for non-flash buttons such as 'print'?
(2) Any way to exclude certain columns, such as with a '-', ie '-0' would exclude the first column? I use the instantiation in an object constructor that is generic and while the first few rows are static (and I know what data I want to exclude) the other ones are dynamic and of arbitrary length. I noticed someone else requested this in thread
1. Yes - It's not implemented yet - sorry. It's on my to-do list... :-)
2. It's a nice idea, and quite like the column definitions - but at the moment, I'm afraid that this feature is also unimplemented, and likewise on the to-do list (as a result of the thread you linked to).
(1) Any reason why this option does not exist for non-flash buttons such as 'print'?
(2) Any way to exclude certain columns, such as with a '-', ie '-0' would exclude the first column? I use the instantiation in an object constructor that is generic and while the first few rows are static (and I know what data I want to exclude) the other ones are dynamic and of arbitrary length. I noticed someone else requested this in thread
2. It's a nice idea, and quite like the column definitions - but at the moment, I'm afraid that this feature is also unimplemented, and likewise on the to-do list (as a result of the thread you linked to).