Header size in Datatable export file ?

Header size in Datatable export file ?

plateformeplateforme Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

I work on a customized PDF export for my Datatable and I need to insert a logo, a title and others informations in the header.
This is where I am right now:

customize: function (doc) {
  doc['header']=(function(page, pages) {
    return {
      text: [     
        'This header has both top and bottom margins defined\n',
        {text: 'This is a subheader\n', style: 'subheader'},
        'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Confectum ponit legam, perferendis nomine miserum, animi. Moveat nesciunt triari naturam.\n',
        {text: 'This is a subheader\n', style: 'subheader'},
        'This header has both top and bottom margins defined\n',
        {text: 'This is a subheader\n', style: 'subheader'},
      style: 'header',
      margin: [40, 20]

The problem is when I download and open the pdf export, the first line of the header is the only one I can see. So I wanted to know if there is a fixed size on the header and how to modify it?


  • colincolin Posts: 15,237Questions: 1Answers: 2,598

    Hi @plateforme ,

    We're not sure if you can use function there, that may not be possible. But this is an issue with pdfmake, so worth raising or checking with their forum/support area.



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