Hide sort icon for details-control column.

Hide sort icon for details-control column.

SachchinSachchin Posts: 4Questions: 1Answers: 0

Hello Techies,
I used datatable to create dashboard and used row expand-collapse to display additional details.
Here whenever I click on other columns for sorting - the sort icon reappears.
It reappears above the datatable on IE 11 and appears normally on chrome.

IE screenshot.

I would like to remove the sort icon for details-control column.
Please help me


  • allanallan Posts: 63,075Questions: 1Answers: 10,384 Site admin

    Use columns.orderable to disallow user ordering on that column.


  • SachchinSachchin Posts: 4Questions: 1Answers: 0

    I used it :smile:
    "columnDefs": [
    { 'orderable': false, "width": "2%", 'targets': 0 },

    But the sort icon is visible when I try to sort other columns.

  • colincolin Posts: 15,237Questions: 1Answers: 2,598

    Would be able to post all the table initialisation code here, or better still, create a live example/fiddle for it.



  • allanallan Posts: 63,075Questions: 1Answers: 10,384 Site admin

    Make sure you have also set the order option to be something other than the first column, since it will default to the first column.


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