SharePoint People/Group Picker - returning properties
SharePoint People/Group Picker - returning properties
without datatables, working code looks like this:
var requestUri = webAbsUrl + "/_api/web/Lists/getByTitle('Directory')/Items?$\
filter=JobTitle eq 'Deputy Director'&$\
select=Phone, JobTitle, Name/EMail, Name/FirstName, Name/LastName, Photo&$\
var ajaxOrg = $.ajax({
url: requestUri,
async: false, //pass value outside of ajax
method: "GET",
headers: { "Accept": "application/json; odata=verbose" },
success: function (data) {
if (data.d != undefined) {
$.each(data.d.results, function (index, item) {
myFirstName = item.Name.FirstName;
myLastName = item.Name.LastName;
myEmail = item.Name.EMail;
myPhone = data.d.results[0].Phone;
myJobTitle = data.d.results[0].JobTitle;
myPhotoURL = data.d.results[0].Photo.Url;
error: function (data) { alert("Failed to load your profile."); }
With datatables, I can't figure out how to pull the properties from the Name column which is of People/Group field type. I want to pull the email, first, and last names from the NAME column.
Using below returns [object Object] in column rather than displaying the FirstName
"aoColumns": [
{ "mData": "Name",
"fnRender":function(mData) {
if(obj.aData.Name.results != undefined) {
$.each(obj.aData.Name.results, function(index,item) {
return item.FirstName;
{ "mData": "Phone"}
found the answer from one of the responses from this post