How to sort the child rows hidden in responsive

How to sort the child rows hidden in responsive

kholossokholosso Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

I need to sort the hidden elements in the child row whrn the datatable is responsive using dt-responsive

This question has an accepted answers - jump to answer


  • colincolin Posts: 15,237Questions: 1Answers: 2,598

    Hi @kholosso ,

    We're happy to take a look, but it would help, as per the forum rules, if you could link to a running test case showing the issue so we can offer some help. Information on how to create a test case (if you aren't able to link to the page you are working on) is available here.



  • Tester2017Tester2017 Posts: 145Questions: 23Answers: 17
    edited May 2018 Answer ✓


    One question.

    Why would you like to sort rows on a column that is not visible? Without knowing (seeing) the value of that column a sort will not be very informative for a user.

    That being asked. You know that you can set priorities to columns regarding the visibility in a responsive layout. See here:

    OK, but ff you really want to sort on columns in the child row, you can do a sort programmatically like this:

    $('#table').DataTable().order([columnToSort, sortOrder]).draw();

    #table -> your table selector
    columnToSort -> the number of the column you would like to do the sort on
    sortOrder -> sort ascending or descending

    But then you have to offer some kind of button (or other UI element) to the user to trigger the sort.

  • allanallan Posts: 63,075Questions: 1Answers: 10,384 Site admin

    Responsive displays the data in column index order.

    If you need to display it in some order other than the order your columns are in, you'd need to specify your own renderer - responsive.details.renderer.


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