DataTables.js: export to excel and responsive features together

DataTables.js: export to excel and responsive features together

LowelheimLowelheim Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

Hi guys, I wonder how to achieve a full set of options for my table rendered with DataTables.js.

I would like to have the export to excel button, autowidth and responsive features.

All the examples I found out usually cover one aspect only, for example how to show buttons, or how to build a responsive table.
But when I use these features combined, something went wrong and maybe I can build a responsive table with autowidth, but without export to excel button, or vice versa I have the export to excel but the table is no longer responsive.

This is an example of code used:

            var table = $('.gridObject').DataTable({                    
                    dom: 'Blfrtip',
                    buttons: [{
                        text: 'Export To Excel',                       
                        extend: 'excelHtml5',
                        exportOptions: {
                            modifier: {
                                selected: true
                        footer: false,
                        customize: function (xlsx) {
                            var sheet = xlsx.xl.worksheets['sheet1.xml'];
                        "autowidth": false,
                        "responsive": true,
                                    "language": {
                    "url": "Content/DataTables/language/dataTables.language.italian.json"

What am I doing wrong?

Kind regards,


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  • colincolin Posts: 15,237Questions: 1Answers: 2,598
    Answer ✓

    It's because the last few options are incorrectly within the button configuration, if you move them out, you should be OK.


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