Fixed Filtering not working
Fixed Filtering not working
Hello All ,
I have create a data table , which load data via ajax . Table having a 3 fixed column.
when I am trying to filtered any values,Filtering work fine for Fixed column . But non-fixed not filtered correctly .
I am working to produce same scenario of fiddle as well . If any one has some solution,Please let me know
Same kind of functionality I have implemented in other pages.But that page does not have ajax call .
Please suggest if I am missing any attributes
oTable = $("#cluster_list").DataTable({
"ajax": json_data_file,
//this will show loading message when data is loading from json file
"language": {
"processing": "Loading data...",
"emptyTable": "",
"zeroRecords": ""
"processing": true,
"scrollY": "400px",
"scrollX": "100%",
"scrollCollapse": true,
"paging": false,
"dom": '<"top"i>B<"clear">lrtp',
buttons: [{ extend: 'excel', text: "Save to xls", "filename": filename, exportOptions: { columns: [':visible'] } },
{ extend: 'csv', text: "Save to csv", "filename": filename, exportOptions: { columns: [':visible'] } },
{ extend: 'copy', text: "Copy to clipboard", exportOptions: { columns: [':visible'] } },
{ extend: 'print', text: "Print", exportOptions: { columns: [':visible'] } }],
fixedColumns: {
leftColumns: 3
"columns": [
{}, //customer name
{}, //cluster name
{}, //cluster id
{ "visible": false },
{ "searchable": false },
{ "visible": false },
{ "orderData": [5] }
{ "visible": false },
{ "visible": false },
{ "visible": false },
{ "orderData": [10] },
$(oTable.table().container()).on('keyup', 'thead input', function() {
}, );
This discussion has been closed.
Hi @rahulcapgemi
That live fiddle would help with this one - there's a lot going on with those columns.