Sorting Icons not showing
Sorting Icons not showing
I alredy worked with datatables with no problems, but then I downloaded the new version and put the <link> and <script> in their respective places. Everything works except that the header of the table does not show the sorting icons. I tried to use the web links to check if i missed something but it also not shows the icons:
style link:
script link:
I alredy have jquery installed BEFORE the datatables script
This is how it looks (with no sorting icons):
What I can do to fix this?
Have you tried getting rid of all of your custom CSS?
We'd really need a link to a test case showing the issue. Its possible that some other CSS is overriding the icons, or something else is going on - I don't know.
This example uses the two files you linked to and it shows the sorting icons, so there is something else going on.