DataTables warning: table id=txn-t - Ajax error.

DataTables warning: table id=txn-t - Ajax error.

Nasamuk3AbusNasamuk3Abus Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited June 2018 in Free community support

In my datatable have more than 2 million record. when i try to get csv report it is getting error, if i gave iDisplayLength value as 10000, i got 10000 records in csv file. when i try to get more than 10000 records i am getting same error.
I am using Laravel 5

  • The error -
    **DataTables warning: table id=txn-t - Ajax error. For more information about this error, please see**

  • This is my ajax code

var oTable = $('#txn-t').DataTable({
                dom: 'Bfrtip',
                buttons: [
//                    'copyHtml5',
//                    'excelHtml5',
//                    'csvHtml5'
                    extend: 'copyHtml5',
                    title: 'Report'+todayDate+curTime+$curncy
                    extend: 'excelHtml5',
                    title: 'Report'+todayDate+curTime+$curncy
                    extend: 'csvHtml5',
                    title: 'Report'+todayDate+curTime+$curncy
                initComplete: function() {
                processing: true,
                serverSide: true,
                searching: false,
                 iDisplayLength: -1,
                ajax: {
                    url: '{!! route('') !!}',
                    data: function (d) {
               = $('select[name=bank]').val();                    
                columns: [
                    {data: 'tx_id', name: 'tx_id'}                  


  • colincolin Posts: 15,143Questions: 1Answers: 2,586

    Hi @Nasamuk3Abus ,

    Did you try the diagnostic suggestions on page linked to in the error ( ). If you did, and no success, we're happy to take a look, but it would help, as per the forum rules, if you could link to a running test case showing the issue so we can offer some help. Information on how to create a test case (if you aren't able to link to the page you are working on) is available here.



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