Print Image Issue with IE
Print Image Issue with IE
I have a problem printing JSBarcode Images with the datatables print functionality withint IE. (tested IE11 and Edge)
For Chrome and Firefox everything works fine.
My JS looks like this:
dom: 'Blfrtip',
buttons: [
extend: 'print',
text: 'Print',
className: 'btn btn-primary btn-sm',
exportOptions : {
stripHtml : false,
columns: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 , 7, 8 ]
Within the normal datatable everything works fine.
After clicking the button print the preview page is opened. There the Images are shown for a millisecond before they disappear. Also if I print the page, the images are disapeared
IE11 DOM-Explorers code at the Preview page looks ok to me.
<img class="code128" src="data:///image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAMgAAAA8CAYAAAAjW/WRAAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACxjwv8YQUAAAEESURBVHhe7d0xDsIwEADBhP//GZDAjYXX7plpgpJwl2aVgoL7+XYBPz2+R+AHgUAQCASBQBAIBIFAEAgEgUAQCITjX9Lv+/5++hhfG+fnMfP9w+6+ee6wOz87fa7V9d3cYfdcu33Dau/ueYbd/tO585zZPHdlt+90/3x9WO1fzT+dO/MGgSAQCAKBIBAIAoEgEAgCgSAQCAKBIBAIAoEgEAgCgSAQCAKBIBAIAoEgEAgCgSAQCAKBIBAIAoEgEAgCgSAQCAKBIBAIAoEgEAgCgSAQCAKBIBAIAoEgEAgCgSAQCAKBcPw/6fCPvEEgCASCQCAIBIJAIAgEgkAgCASCQGDpul7beldqWqxpjwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==" jsbarcode-value="3006306682" jsbarcode-ean128="true" jsbarcode-displayvalue="false" jsbarcode-width="2" jsbarcode-height="40" jsbarcode-textalign="left" jsbarcode-textmargin="0" jsbarcode-fontsize="8">
Is ther any idea out ther to solve this?
Thanks in advance!
Please try the nightly version of the HTML5 export buttons which should resolve this.
Hi Colin,
thanks for your fast reply.
Unfortunately the issue ist not solved. Still working for Chrome and Firefox but not for IE11 and Edge
all Buttons are using the Js from
any other ideas?
Are you able to give me a link to a page showing the issue please? If the HTML looks correct in the inspector, I can't help but suspect that this is going to be an IE bug.
Hi allan, thanks for your reply.
It does not seem to be an IE problem by itself, since the IE-in-build print-preview works. (Browser rigthclick: print-preview)
Since I have no DMZ Webspace, It's hard to show the page to you.
Here is a simple example with a hardcoded Barcode and also does not work.
So the print window that Buttons creates doesn't show the barcodes, but when you have a print preview from that window, it does!?
Are you able to make a working test case using , JSFiddle, CodePen or something else? Alternatively, I can use the above to make a working test case under the quick support packages.
I have access to a temporary webspace now. Could you please take a look at the following website.
Its the same sourcecode from the example above
Thank you - could you add
autoPrint: false
to your print button's configuration please? That way I can inspect the generated page.Allan
Hey Allan,
the autoprint is disabled now.
The print preview from the original window works okay, but not from the generated print page. This really does look like an IE bug to me. As far as I can see the print page is generated correctly and the
image is inserted into the document correctly. I don't see any reason why IE can't display it I'm afraid. There are no warnings or errors from IE either.I'll have a bit more of a play later on, but I'm not hopefuly to be honest.
I was afraid of that. Hopefully you can find some kind of workaround later on.
thanks for your help.
I've just played around a bit with jquery and built a simple print screen by myself. This is working. Probably its not a IE Bug?
Please take a look at this page without the datatable print functionality.
Hopefully this is a hint that helps you to identify the issue.
Yes it works in that example, but its not doing the same thing as the Print button from the Buttons library. In Buttons it creates the HTML for a table and used
to create a new window and the created HTML is inserted into that.A test to demonstrate if this is an IE issue or not would be to use
and write in animg
tag which usesdata://
as its data source rather than a url.Allan
Hi allan,
did you have time to review the issue already?
I was not able to identify, if its an IE bug or not.
I haven't had a change to create the test case I suggested above. I'm still fairly certain it is an IE issue though.