dataTables.buttons.js break ColVis when update from 1.4.2
dataTables.buttons.js break ColVis when update from 1.4.2
I tried to update datatables extension buttons from version 1.4.2 (it's already 10 months according to github).
with version 1.5.2 (latest release version), my dataTables column visibility break when I copy dataTables.buttons.js (actually I use the min.js). When I tried to copy others file, nothing break. just 1 file that break column visibility button.
What i mean with break, is the column visibility function is broken, when I click the column name on the button, the table did not changes. (I'm sorry, I don't know, how can I explain this with browser inspect?)
I also tried with version 1.5.1, the condition is the same, the dataTables seems ok when I copy all files, except when I copy dataTables.buttons.js then the column visibility is broken.
I diff the dataTables.buttons.js from version 1.4.2 and version 1.5.2, there are 27 diffs.
any clue how to fix this?
thank you for your help.
Can you link to a page showing the issue please? It appears to work okay in this example using 1.5.2.
dear Allan,
thank you for your response.
I have read it, and currently prepare sample case for this report.
please don't close the ticket, will post the link after ready to make public sample.