recalculate or redraw (refresh) only a ROW , not the whole table

recalculate or redraw (refresh) only a ROW , not the whole table

didbugzerodidbugzero Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0

Hi ! Everybody. I have a problem using datatables with BIIIG DBs
In my table, there are a lot of calculated columns (that are NOT in DB),
i need those calculated Columns to be refreshed when i am modifiing something in another Column .

For example :sweat_smile:

If i change the value in Column B, the total in TOTAL must change automatically.

Column A | Column B | TOTAL
10 | 10 | 20
10 | 20 | 30

I read something with fnUpdate but i don't understand !!!
Please help !
Thanks a lot !


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