Displaying multiple images in child rows?
Displaying multiple images in child rows?
I'm hacking away at potential solutions, coming up empty. I'm trying to load multiple images into a child row and cannot figure it out. I'd like to preserve the functionality present in the Editor (handling of PDFs vs. JPGs). Any advice much appreciated!!!!
var editor; // use a global for the submit and return data rendering in the examples
$(document).ready(function() {
editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor( {
ajax: "examples/php/upload-many.php",
table: "#example",
fields: [ {
label: "date:",
name: "stuff.date",
type: "datetime",
def: function () { return new Date();
}, {
label: "category",
name: "stuff.category",
type: "select"
}, {
label: "person:",
name: "stuff.person",
type: "select"
}, {
label: "notes:",
name: "stuff.notes"
}, {
label: "files:",
name: "files[].id",
type: "uploadMany",
display: function ( fileId, counter )
if (fileId !== null) {
var ext = editor.file('files', fileId).filetype.toLowerCase();
if (ext == "pdf") {
return '<a href ="' + editor.file('files', fileId).web_path + '" target=_blank><i class ="fa fa-file-pdf-o fa-3x"></i>' + '</center></a>';
if ((ext == "png") || (ext == "jpg") || (ext == "gif")) {
return fileId ?
'<img src="'+editor.file( 'files', fileId ).web_path+'" class="img-circle" width="60" height="60"/>' :
clearText: "Clear",
noFileText: 'No images'
} );
function format ( d ) {
return ('<table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="padding-left:50px;">' +
'<tr>' +
'<tr>' +
'<td>Extra info:</td>' +
'<td>And any further details here (images etc)...</td>' +
'</tr>' +
var table = $('#example').DataTable( {
scrollY: '60vh',
scrollCollapse: true,
paging: false,
select: { style: 'single',
selector: 'td:not(:first-child)'
responsive: {
"details": {
"type": 'column',
"target": 'tr'
dom: "Bfrtip",
order: [ 1, 'desc' ],
ajax: "examples/php/upload-many.php",
columns: [
"className": 'details-control',
"orderable": false,
"data": null,
"defaultContent": '',
"render": function () {
return '<i class="fa fa-plus-square" aria-hidden="true"></i>';
width: "15px"
{ "className": "dt-right", data: "stuff.date" },
{ "className": "dt-right", data: "persons.person" },
{ "className": "dt-right", data: "categories.category" },
{ "className": "dt-right", data: "stuff.notes" },
"className": "dt-right", data: "files[].id",
render: function ( d ) {
return d.length ?
d.length+' image(s)' :
'No image';
title: "Image"
select: true,
buttons: [
{ extend: "create", editor: editor },
{ extend: "edit", editor: editor },
{ extend: "remove", editor: editor,
formMessage: function ( e, dt ) {
var rows = dt.rows( e.modifier() ).data().pluck('notes');
return 'Are you sure you want to delete the entries for the '+
'following record(s)? <ul><li>'+rows.join('</li><li>')+'</li></ul>';
initComplete: function () {
// Add event listener for opening and closing details
$('#example tbody').on('click', 'td.details-control', function () {
var tr = $(this).closest('tr');
var tdi = tr.find("i.fa");
var row = table.row(tr);
if (row.child.isShown()) {
// This row is already open - close it
else {
// Open this row
} );
} );
$('#example').on("user-select", function (e, dt, type, cell, originalEvent) {
if ($(cell.node()).hasClass("details-control")) {
} );
Editor::inst( $db, 'stuff' )
Field::inst( 'stuff.date' ),
Field::inst( 'stuff.notes' ),
Field::inst( 'stuff.category' )
->options( Options::inst()
->table( 'categories' )
->value( 'id' )
->label( 'category' )
Field::inst( 'categories.category'),
Field::inst( 'stuff.person' )
->options( Options::inst()
->table( 'persons' )
->value( 'id' )
->label( 'person' )
Field::inst( 'persons.person' )
Mjoin::inst( 'files' )
->link( 'stuff.id', 'stuff_files.stuff_id' )
->link( 'files.id', 'stuff_files.file_id' )
Field::inst( 'id' )
->setFormatter( 'Format::ifEmpty', null )
->upload( Upload::inst( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/upload_test/__ID__.__EXTN__' )
->db( 'files', 'id', array(
'filename' => Upload::DB_FILE_NAME,
'filesize' => Upload::DB_FILE_SIZE,
'web_path' => Upload::DB_WEB_PATH,
'system_path' => Upload::DB_SYSTEM_PATH,
'filetype' => Upload::DB_EXTN
) )
->validator( Validate::fileSize( 2000000, 'Files must be smaller that 2M' ) )
->validator( Validate::fileExtensions( array( 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'pdf' ), "Please upload an image" ) )
->leftJoin( 'categories', 'categories.id', '=', 'stuff.category' )
->leftJoin( 'persons', 'persons.id', '=', 'stuff.person' )
->process( $_POST )
This question has an accepted answers - jump to answer
This discussion has been closed.
In your
function you get thed
parameter which is the row data, so in this case it will have afiles
properties which you can loop over. For example:Then with the id you can use whatever method you want to use to look up information about the file - e.g.
like you are in the image display function.Allan
Thank you. When I incorporate the following into the HTML, I receive an "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token var?? Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong?
You can't have a
loop inside a string. That isn't valid Javascript. You'll need to build the string in the form loop and then insert it into the rest of the HTML.Allan
So I moved the HTML inside the FOR STATEMENT:
I receive the following error message:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'show' of undefined
The console identifies line 134 of my original HTML post as the error source. I'm hoping to resolve this basic code before moving to the images.
Any thoughts???
I think what you want to do is use the for loop to build a concatenated string of rows then use that string to build the table. Something like this:
Haven't tired this so it might need some debugging but should get you started.
Many thanks!! Yes, I've been able to get the loop to work correctly.
I will keep tweeking to see if I can get the images to display properly.
I feel like I'm zeroing in on the final answer. Now the question is how do I get the looped results to sync with the database? Right now, it keeps looping over the same data items, regardless of row.
Some database background:
I have information spread across the following MySQL files:
stuff.id contains the datatables row number,
files.id contains the file number that winds up being appended to the end of the file address,
stuff_files is where the row number (stuff_files.stuff.id) identifies the files associated with that row (stuff_files.file_id).
How do I configure this loop so that the proper files(s) are returned that match the selected child row?
Here's the latest code (which does not work properly):
To assist with the last point, here's a look at the data in the browser:
You have this:
More specifically you have
is the loop counter not the value of the data ind.files
. Instead you needid=d.files[i]
to get the value of that position in the array. You will need to change this in multiple places.Another thing you will need to do is start your for loop at 0 not 1:
for ( i=0 ; i<(d.files.length+1) ; i++ ) {
. The first element in an array is element 0. And remove the+1
.Something more like this:
Let us know if this helps.
Thanks. With one small change, it works. Here's a simplified version:
Assuming I can get the complete version to work, I'll post that.
Thanks for all the help!! I'm appending the complete HTML file so folks can see an example of how to incorporate multiple images into both child rows and the editor. The PHP remains unchanged from the original, above. The child rows need additional formatting, however, the code is functional.
Thanks for your wonderful assistance!!